Wanted: A Career in a Great Position with a Great Company, Amazing Coworkers, Incredible Benefits, and Constant Learning Opportunities.
I am nearing the end of my current job contract and am looking for a job again.
This job was 9 months of constant change and great people, and truly a learning experience.
The last job was 9 years of consistency, with a very diverse group of people and projects.
The job before that one was the best one of my life, I will always treasure who I met and what I learned.
What will the next job be? I want to say it will be a long-term, life-changing treasure with amazing coworkers, incredible benefits, and constant learning opportunities. I am not ashamed to admit that when I send out applications, I always look at my resume, close my eyes, and say those words, in some form or another, as a plea to the job gods.
And by plea to the job gods, I mean “as a part of the hard work it takes to find, apply for, interview, and decide on a new job.”
I am looking. And any help is welcome.
thank you, friends.